pleased Thursday! I went for a walk to start the day – not my idea of a “real” workout, but I’m unmotivated because I don’t have a plan
Luckily, I have my next race figured out (below!) – so the plan is coming tonight!
MY newest VIDEOS
Marathon training Day 4
אימוני מרתון יום 4 צ’ק -אין
עוד סירטונים
0 שניות של דקה, 21 שניות
הבא בתור
Golden Retriever Won’t Take His Pills!
Coach’s Oats sent me some packets of their instant oatmeal and I love steel cut style so I made that the base of my breakfast bowl.
I added everything I could to this bowl of oats! It has a Coach’s oat packet, almond milk, pumpkin, chia seeds, salt, stevia, protein powder and peanut butter
This is the protein powder I used. I’m not a fan of the taste so I’m trying to “hide” it in recipes. זה לא עובד.
I was MIA from blogging last night because I was on a mission to figure out my next race. I gave myself a big break after long beach – I haven’t run much more than 8 miles since. <- That’s also due to the traveling and getting sick. I have been saying for a few weeks that I want to run again!! Last night I wrote out all the races that I’m either already registered for OR are on my “must run” list for 2012. I really wanted to take advantage of my last training fitness and run a full marathon in January, but there are no races that work for me. Since this may be my last marathon (yes, I said that for long beach too) I’m returning to the scene of my first marathon – surf City. could this be my first and Last marathon? אולי. It’s even more out than I wanted, but it will work. now I have 12 weeks to train – I just need to pick a plan! Last night’s list also reminded me that I’m registered for 2 half marathons in December and 1 in January! I don’t typically train for half marathons, just kinda show up and go. I need to incorporate these races into training so they work with my full not against it. Race Calendar: December: 4 Las vegas half Marathon 11 holiday half Marathon January: 29 Tinkerbelle half Marathon February: 5 surf City full Marathon March: TBD April: 20-21 SoCal Ragnar Question: got your eye on any upcoming races? I really really want to do the Nike Women’s Race in S.F. השנה!!! שלח לי את חוברת העבודה להציל שיתוף הוא אכפתיות! לַחֲלוֹק צִיוּץ פִּין לַחֲלוֹק דוֹאַר לַחֲלוֹק